Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ride the Rollercoaster

Yesterday was a fun day, and I'm sorry that I didn't get to write a bit before going to bed last night, but I didn't get home until 2am anyway. Anything I would've written at that time would've been a bust. I prefer to write during the day, when I'm at my prime in terms of awakeness (Google Chrome is telling me that 'awakeness' isn't a work, but I definitely think it is!).

So yesterday I went with a couple of friends to Hurricane Harbor, which is the water park for Six Flags Great Adventure, home of Kingda Ka. I've been to Six Flags numerous times this summer already, and have yet to go on Kingda Ka. I've been there too many times to count since the roller coaster first went up, and still have yet to go on it. At first I didn't go because my mom threatened both my brother and myself. It was all out of love, since originally there was no guarantee that the car even made it over the top of the coaster and it was broken and shut down more times than it was running. Right, that was years ago. What's my excuse now? To be honest, I don't really have one other than my own fear and stubbornness. I've been telling people for so long that I'll never go on Kingda Ka, that it's definitely a tear at my pride to submit and just go on it. A friend and I were talking about bucket lists not too long ago, and she told me that she didn't have one written down, but if she did she could cross off sky diving. I laughed and told her that was impressive, since I was far too terrified to do anything like that. It was then that she made a good point- part of the thrill and the excitement of doing something like that is the chance to face and conquer your fears. Smart friends I have, huh?

I decided that yesterday would be a good day to conquer my own fears. The people I was with happened to be the people who I promised I'd go on Kingda Ka with first. Granted, they're also the people who had threatened to chloroform me and then drag me on while unconscious, but still... I know they just have my best interests at heart! (Yeah, right.) Unfortunately, due to one reason or another, Kingda Ka wasn't running. Oh well, I guess no bucket list cross off for me just yet!

Nothing new today, but I did decide to write a children's book series. I'd let everyone in on my thoughts and ideas, but then someone might steal them ;) However, I'd like to know what people's thoughts are- if you write and publish a children's book, is it still considered getting a book published?

PS - I would like to clarify any confusion anyone might be having. Yes, there are things that have already been crossed off my bucket list. While my blog might be new, my bucket list certainly isn't! I've had my bucket list for quite some time now, and have slowly been crossing things off. I didn't want to jip anyone of my full list, so I posted everything on my list up to that point, done or still waiting to be done.

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