Thursday, August 11, 2011


So, I just want to start off by saying that usually my blog entries have a title before I actually start writing them, since I usually have a theme for my posts. Unfortunately I don't this time. I guess that's because I just plan on babbling about what's been going on the past few days. It's a status update of sorts. Oh. Well then. I suppose that could be a decent title... and there it is. Whatever the title shows up as is exactly what I just thought of. It's amazing how a train of thought can just run into an idea.

Speaking of ideas, I've added a few more things to my bucket list, but unfortunately I did not hit 50 more. When I do, I'll post them up here, but until then I'll just keep them to myself. If I kept updating my list every time I got an idea or two, this blog would be so out of whack that it wouldn't be worth keeping it up any more (okay, so that's false). Also in regards to ideas, I've started writing a book. To be considered a novel, a story needs to be 50,000+ words, though most book series' go far beyond that. I think the Hunger Games is up at 95,000 and Breaking Dawn is 125,000 or so. That's a whole lot of writing! The story I've got written so far is only 5,000 words. That's at least 45,000 more words! I'd like to get this novel done by this time next year, but with school starting up in September, I don't know how that's going to work out... not to mention NaNoWriMo is in November and I'd have to put this book on hold to try to write another one, an ENTIRE one, in only one month.

Perhaps I'll sit this NaNoWriMo out.

Speaking of-- apparently NaNoWriMo opened in August. I wish I had known because I could've used this story idea for it! Not to mention that I've got nothing else going on this month other than a couple of birthdays and work...

Alas. C'est la vie. Such is life.

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